What’s Next

Join us on this new phase for Dandelion Revolution Press.

Publishing three short fiction anthologies within three years is quite an achievement! We had a wonderful time learning about the publishing process. However, it was a challenge for our team to balance our real life commitments with our passion project.

The best way to continue DRP’s mission of publishing female-focused stories was to transition from printed anthologies to online collections of creative works.

We’ll be developing seasonal compilations with specific themes. This will give us the flexibility to distribute creative pieces faster to our readers. Plus, our writers will be able to explore a variety of themes.

And, we’re not just short fiction anymore.

We are diversifying the types of submissions we accept — short fiction, creative nonfiction, personal essay and memoirs.  This makes sense because readers will have options to choose what they’d like to read when they receive newsletters with links.

We’re hoping to bring in new readers and writers into this new journey and have appropriately themed our inaugural Spring journal issue “Transitions.”

There will be challenges as we dive into this new model, but we’re excited for this evolution for DRP!